Subject: Living the mystery is sannyas, not solving the mystery. ....OSHO
A sannyasin means one who is not trying to solve the mystery of life but is diving deep into the mystery itself.
Living the mystery is sannyas, not solving the mystery.
If you start solving it you become serious.
If you start living it you become more and more playful.
See the difference between sannyas and other initiations. There is a qualitative difference. It is not initiation in the old sense, just as it is not a learning in the old sense -- it is an unlearning, and so I can say it is UNinitiation.
It will bring you out of all your initiations, because if you have been to so many schools and sects and ideologies, many things must be still hanging around inside you. You need a good cleaning, you need a thorough cleaning, you need a good bath -- and sannyas will give you a shower, it will cleanse your soul. It will give you back the innocence of a child, the laughter of a child, the eyes full of wonder and awe.
Don't hesitate... take the jump. It is a jump, because you cannot come to it through thinking. It is a jump because it is not a conclusion of your mind. To others it will look like madness -- in fact all love is mad and all love is blind, at least to those who don't know what love is.
To UNlovers love is blind; to lovers love is the only possible eye which can see to the very core of existence. To those who don't know the taste of religion, sannyas is madness; but to those who know, everything else is madness except sannyas.
This is entering into sanity. I don't see anything saner than laughter, saner than love, saner than celebration.
"The useless TREE!!!":
"In a world that is full of materialism to be a useless tree that offers a shade for a thousand to sit under is becoming more and more of a necessity. To be a useless tree is to bring joy and tranquility to a thousand. In this way we spread love and light to a thousand, thus spreading our spirituality and making a difference in life.
Subject: Love so much that the song arises in your being -- the song of gratitude. OSHO
Life can be a syllogism or a song. If it is a syllogism then it will have no beauty, no joy. It may succeed in gathering money, in becoming more powerful, in becoming respectable, because the man who lives the life of a syllogism is calculative. He will attain to many possessions in life but he will lose himself and death will destroy his whole edifice; all that he has done will be simply cancelled by death.
He will die a poor man, he will live a poor man. A poor man surrounded by richness -- that will be his life.
There is another way of life -- a life lived as a song, not as a syllogism. Then one may not succeed, one may not become very famous, one may not have all the possessions that the world can give one, but one will be rich, contented, and there will be a subtle joy that one has arrived... a deep, deep satisfaction that one has not failed. There will be no frustration. There will be a tremendous quality of contentment, an overflowing contentment. The person who lives the life of syllogism lives the life of logic, and the person who lives the life of a song lives the life of love. Only love can create the song.
Love and song are two aspects of the same phenomenon. If you love, you become a song; if you are a song, you love more. They help each other, they create each other, and once this creative process starts it culminates in god.
Love so much that the song arises in your being -- the song of gratitude. Be grateful and sing the song of gratitude so that you can become more and more capable of love. This is how one reaches higher and higher peaks, and one day, your love and your song have become one. That day is the day where one disappears as a wave and becomes the ocean. That is called samadhi, satori, enlightenment, the kingdom of god -- different names for the same thing. But nobody has reached god through logic. And all those who have reached to god have reached through love.
This has to be the basis of the journey of sannyas. The first step has to be love, and then everything is taken care of. If one loves enough, one moves in the right direction; one reaches one day to the ultimate goal of god. But it is always the life of a song, of love, of poetry... of beauty and grace. It is never that of calculation.
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